गायक प्रवेश सिसोदिया और रैपर के डी डूड ने गया पार्टी एनिमल्स के लिए नया गाना बेबी लुकिंग यमी यमी
ubZ fnYyh] 19 ebZ] 2015% tgk¡ ,d vksj jkt/kkuh esa ikjk rst+h ls
p<+ jgk gS] gj dksbZ xehZ ds fy, dwy LVQ pkgrk gSA ,sls esa eks{k E;qft+d
laxhr izsfe;ksa ds fy, ysdj vk, gSa xfeZ;ksa dk 'kkunkj migkj ^csch yqfdax ;eh ;eh*A bl 'kkunkj Mkal
uEcj dks izos'k fllksfn;k vkSj dsMh MwM us viuh vkokt+ nh gS vkSj bl jSi lksax
dks jkt&jes'k dh izfrHkk'kkyh tksM+h us dEikst+ fd;k gSA ;gh Vhe
2013&14 esa dqN vkSj lqij fgV xkus Hkh ns pqdh gS tSls vUtku dh lhVh] ysV~l
ikVhZ] nwjh gS ;ks dSlh] lkou esa vkx vkfnA xkus dh jhyht+ ds ekSds
ij f'kjdr djus okys fnXxtksa esa 'kkfey Fks Jh fot; fd'kksj ¼vk;dj vf/kdkjh½]
eks{k E;qft+d ds ohih] v'ouh jktiwr] E;qft+d Mk;jsDVj jkt&jes'k] xk;d
izos'k fllksfn;k] xk;d fo'kky ?kk?kV vkSj jSij ds Mh MwMA
लांच के अवसर पर सिंगर प्रवेश सिसोदिया ने अपना अपना आगामी गाना 'अलविदा' गाया। प्रवेश अपने गानो के लेकर बहुत ही उत्साहित है। फोटो में प्रवेश के साथ में है रैपर के डी डूड और आयकर अधिकारी विजय किशोर। |
bl ekSds ij eks{k
E;qft+d ds ,eMh ,oa lhbZvks Jh jkt egktu us dgk] ^^;g tujs'ku&ok; ds fy, is'k fd;k x;k [kkl xhr gS] tks fctyh dh rjg
,utsZfVd vkSj jksekapd gSA izos'k fllksfn;k vkSj dsMh MwM nksuksa gh ÅtkZoku
jSilZ gSa vkSj eSa mUgsa muds 'kkunkj ijQksesZUl ds fy, iwjs uEcj nwaxkA** ^csch yqfdax ;eh ;eh* dk ohfM;ks otZ+u
Hkh tYn gh tkjh fd;k tk,xkA ,d izfrHkk'kkyh Mkal Vªwi vius t+cjnLr ijQksesZUl
ds lkFk izos'k fllksfn;k vkSj dsMh MwM ds bl xkus dh [kwclwjrh esa pkj pkan
yxk nsxkA
nksuksa xk;d jkt egktu dh [kkst gSaA mUgksaus bUgsa eks{k E;qft+d esa vk;ksftr
,d vkWMh'ku ds nkSjku <wa<kA ^csch
yqfdax ;eh ;eh* dh jhyht+ ds ekSds ij mUgksaus laxhr funsZ'kd jkt&jes'k ds izfr viuk
vkHkkj O;Dr fd;kA izos'k vkSj ds Mh MwM dbZ vkSj xkuksa ij Hkh ,d lkFk dke dj
jgsa gSaA buesa ls dqN xkus gSa & Qqdjh] LdwVh okyk Ø'k vkSj Qqy VYyh rsjk
bl ekSds ij xk;d fo'kky
?kk?kV us viuk vkxkeh xkuk ^catkjk* Xkk;kA Jh fot; fd'kksj Hkh vius vkidks jksd
ugha ik, vkSj vius xkus ds lkFk n'kZdksa dks ea=eqX/k dj fn;kA mUgksaus bl
ekSds ij eksgEen jQh dk iqjkuk vkSj [kwclwjr xhr xk;kA
bl xkus dks fMftVy IysVQkWeZ
ds fy, Hkh tkjh fd;k x;k gS vkSj ;g 240 ls T+;knk fMftVy E;qft+d LVkslZ ij Hkh
miyC/k gks pqdk gS rFkk fMftVy liksVZ ikVZuj fcukdk V~;wUl ds lg;ksx ls bldh dkWyj V~;wUl Hkh ykap gks pqdh gSaA izos'k fllksfn;k dk vkus okyk xhr gS
^vyfonk*A ;g xkuk ,d ,sls vkneh ds ckjs esa tks tkurk gS fd og tYn gh ej tk,xk
vkSj og viuh vkf[kjh Hkkouk dks gj fdlh ds lkFk ckaVuk pkgrk gSA ;g jkt vkSj
jes'k ds }kjk [kwclwjrh ls dEikst+ fd;k x;k ,d vkSj xhr gSA
eks{k E;qft+d ds ckjs esa
laxhr gekjh laLd`fr dk
vk/kkj gS] gekjs lHkh mRloksa dk vfHkUu fgLlk gSA Hkkjr esa laxhr dks cgqr
vf/kd egRo fn;k tkrk gSA thou dh 'kq:vkr ls ysdj var rd laxhr gekjs thou dk
vfHkUu vax cuk jgrk gS] ge laxhr dks lHkh mRloksa vkSj R;ksgkjksa esa 'kkfey
djrs gSaA blh ijEijk dks vkxs c<+krs gq, rFkk nqfu;k Hkj esa Hkkjrh; laxhr
dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, izfl) E;qft+d dEikst+j Jh jkt egktu us lky 2009 esa
eks{k E;qft+d dh 'kq:vkr dhA dqN gh lkyksa esa eks{k E;qft+d Hkkjr dh
vxz.kh laxhr dEifu;ksa dh lwph esa 'kqekj gks x;k gSA laxhr ds izksMD'ku ds
vykok eks{k mHkjrs xk;dksa] vfHkusrkvksa vkSj ekWMyksa dks ,d vuwBk eap iznku
djrk gSA eks{k E;qft+d ges'kk ls u, ,oa vR;k/kqfud fopkjksa dks is'k djrk gSA
blds lhbZvks vkSj ,eMh Jh jkt egktu rduhd gLr O;fDr gSa vkSj fdlh Hkh
vR;k/kqfud rduhd dks eks{k LVqfM;ks 'kkfey djus esa t+jk Hkh le; ugha ysrsA
tkus ekus laxhrKksa us
eks{k E;qft+d dks Lk'kDr cuk;k gS( Jh jes'k feJk us vius iwjs tququ ds lkFk xzqi dks lsok,a iznku djus esa viuh
:fp vfHkO;r dh vkSj vkt Hkh Jh jkt egktu dh izfrHkk dks lgh jkg nsus esa
egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkk jgs gSaA mudh vkilh fe=rk us laxhr m|ksx dks cgqr dqN
fn;k gS vkSj ;gh jkt&jes'k tksM+h gSA
रमेश मिश्रा प्रसिद्ध बैंड सरगम स्टार्स के हेड हैं और राज महाजन मोक्ष् म्यूज़िक के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर एवं सीईओ हैं जोकि अब म्यूज़िक डायरेक्टर राज-रमेश के तौर पर काम कर रहे हैं। |
eks{k E;qft+d ds lkFk
70 dykdkj vkSj rduhdK tqM+s gSa tks ckWyhoqM ds tkus&ekus uke gSaA gj eghus
;g cSuj 6 ls 8 xkus cukrk gSA eks{k dks fMftVy
{ks= esa vius foLr`r usVodZ ij xoZ gSA eks{k E;qft+d dh ekStwnxh dks
lHkh fMftVy pSuyksa ij eglwl fd;k tk ldrk gSA buesa 'kkfey gSa vkbZV~;wUl]
uksfd;k feDl jsfM;ks ¼vc ekbØkslkW¶V½] oksMkQksu] LikWVhQkbZ] lkm.MDykm.M]
;wV~;wc] Msyheks'ku Mht+j] ,ekt+ksu] xwxy Iys] xkuk] lkou] ,;jVsy E;qft+d
LVksj] +240 fMftVy
LVkslZ vkfnA
eks{k E;qft+d dk forj.k
fMftV] LVªhfeax] lClfØI'ku vkSj eksckby lfgr lHkh izdkj ds forj.k] fcØh ,oa
foi.ku dk izcU/ku djrk gSA eks{k E;qft+d dh ,yce nqfu;k Hkj esa yksdfiz; gks
jgh gSaA dEiuh fiNys ikap lkyksa us bl m|ksx esa vxz.kh fLFkfr cuk, gq, gSaA ;s
lHkh E;qft+d ,yce ;wihlh vkSj
vkbZ,lvkjlh ds lkFk tqMs+ gSa vkSj vkbZihvkj,l ds lkFk dkWihjkbZV fd, tkrs gSaA eks{k E;qft+d ds lkFk m|ksx
txr ds lcls izfrHkk'kkyh xk;d tqM+s gq,
Another Song 'Baby Looking Yummy Yummy' released by Moxx Music with New Singers in the town for the Party Animals : Singer Pravesh Sisodia and KD Dude to sing more songs for Moxx Music
Delhi, May 19, 2015:
While mercury is soaring high in the capital, everyone is looking for
some cool stuff. ‘Baby Looking Yummy
Yummy’ is a summer gift from Moxx Music to all the music lovers. The title
itself suggests that this lively dance number.
PraveshSisodia and K D Dude gave their scintillating voices to this leg
shaking rap song which is composed by the talented Raj-Ramesh duo. The same
team was also behind some of the super hit songs of 2013-2014, such as Anjan Ki
Seeti, Let's Party, Doorie Hai Yo Kaisi, Saawan Mein Aag. The song was released in the august presence of Mr.
Vijay Kishore (Income Tax Officer), Moxx Music’s VP, Ashwani Rajput, Music
Directors Raj-Ramesh, Singer Pravesh Sisodia, Singer Vishal Ghaghat and Rapper
KD Dude.
At this occasion, Mr.
Raj Mahajan - MD & CEO of the Moxx Music and one of the music directors
from the Raj-Ramesh duo who composed this song briefed about their latest
composition, “This is song for Gen-Y, electrifying, groovy and
rhythmic. Both PraveshSisodia and K D Due are energetic rappers and I give them
full marks for their astounding performance."
The video version of ‘Baby Looking Yummy Yummy’ will also be unveiled very soon. Both the singers are
discovery of Raj Mahajan. He found them in the audition held at Moxx Music. On
the release of 'Baby Looking
Yummy Yummy' they extended their gratitude to Raj-Ramesh for the making
this song. Pravesh and KD Dude are jointly working on a few more songs. Some of
them are : Fukri, Scooty Wala Crush and Full Talli Tera Bhai.
When singer Vishal Ghaghat sang his upcoming song
‘Banjara’ on this occasion, Mr. Vijay Kishore couldn't resist himself and
delighted the audience with his rendition; he sung an old melodious song of
Mohd. Rafi on this occasion.
The song has been released for digital platforms and
it is available on more than 240 the digital music storeswith the support of
Moxx Music's digital support partner; BinacaTunes. One can also
download the caller tune on request to the service provider.
Pravesh Sisodia’s next upcoming song is
'Alvida', this song is about a man who knows that he will die very soon
and he want to say his last words to everybody. Yet another beautifully
composed song by Raj & Ramesh. At the launch, Pravesh also crooned 'Alvida'
in his mellifluous voice.
About Moxx Music Pvt.Ltd.
Music is the soul of our culture, spirit
of our celebrations and identity of our existence, because India is very much a
music nation. From beginning of the life to the end of a journey, music is the
inseparable part of every rite and ritual on this land of festivals and
celebrations. To carry forward this legacy and to promote Indian Music across
the world, Mr. Raj Mahajan, the famous music composer incorporates the Moxx
Music in the year 2011. Within a few years, Moxx Music has become one of the
leading music companies in the North India. Besides production and promotion of
the music, Moxx provides a staggering platform to budding singers, aspiring
actors and promising models. Moxx Music always loves to incorporate novel ideas
and concepts and Mr. Raj Mahajan - MD & CEO of the enterprise is a very
tech savvy person and doesn't take much time to incorporate an innovative
technology in the Moxx's studio whenever he comes across something new in the
music industry.
Ramesh Mishra, heads a musical band 'Sargam Stars' and Raj Mahajan, heads Moxx Music as CEO & MD, they joined together and emerged as Music Directors Duo 'Raj-Ramesh' |
Moxx Music got further strength when the
renowned Bollywood musician; Mr. Ramesh Mishra expressed his interest to serve
the group with his passion and prowess in the music. Today, the maestro
synergises the talent of Mr. Raj Mahajan And their
bonding gifted something very precious to the music industry and this is the
Raj-Ramesh Duo.
Moxx Music is thriving on more than 70
inspirational artists and technicians and they have been working for many
established names of the Bollywood. Every month, the banner is producing and
distributing 6 to 8 songs in a multiple genre. Moxx proud of its largest
distribution network in the digital world of music. Moxx Music's vivid presence
can be noticed and felt in the majority of digital channels via its strategic
partners, prominent among are iTunes,
Nokia Mix Radio (Now Microsoft), Vodafone, Spotify, SoundClound, YouTube,
DailyMotionDeezer, Amazon, Google Play, Gaana, Saavn, Airtel Music Store, +240
digital stores etc.
Moxx Music
Distribution manages the sales, marketing and distribution of Moxx Music assets
in all formats including digital, streaming, subscription and mobile.Moxx Music's albums are popular and
selling well across the globe. The
company has been the industry market share leader for the last five years. All of the music albums are mapped
with UPC (Bar Code) and ISRC and applying copyrighted with IPRS.
Moxx Music has the most extensive
catalogue in the industry that grooves various talented singers like melodious
ArunUpadhyay, passionate PraveshSisodia, Rapper KD DUDE and other sizzling
artists like Vishal Ghaghat, etc.
Dr. Muktesh Chander (Spl. Commissioner, Delhi Police) releases an album 'Teri Yaad Mein Maa' at Moxx Music Studio with Deputy Mayor Asha Singh with Raj-Ramesh (Raj Mahajan & Ramesh Mishra)
New Delhi, May 09,
Mother is the most precious gift that nature conferred us.
People express their love to beloved mothers in different manners. To infuse
melody in the Mother's Day celebration, Moxx Music released 'Teri Yaad Mein
Maa' amidst the august presence of Mrs. Aasha Singh (Deputy Mayor Of
East Delhi), Dr. Muktesh Chandra (Special Commissioner,
Traffic Police, Delhi) and Mr. Paras
Gupta (Jr. Mr. India 2014). Bollywood singer Arun Upadhay
created an emotional rendition in this solo album and the duo of young music
directors Raj-Ramesh composed the song in full harmony. This album can be
accessed worldwide on all the digital platforms.
album shoot was held in Delhi-NCR and child Actor Divyansh, Upcoming Rap
Singer KD Dude and Preeti Khurma are the star performers in the video of the
song. The soothing music is the brain child of music composers Raj-Ramesh. Raj
Mahajan (Managing Director, Moxx Music) is working jointly with Ramesh Mishra
in the area of music.
Muktesh Chander (Special Commissioner, Traffic Police, Delhi) who is the great lover of music couldn't resist
himself at this occasion, he enthralled the audience with a symphony played by
him on the flute. He said,"Teri Yaad Mein Maa is really a
heart tugging song and composers Raj-Ramesh infused a vibrant soul to this
song." He further added, " I am listening Arun Upadhay for last two years and he is one of
my favourite singers among the budding artists. He is a versatile singer and he
did sheer justice with Teri Yaad Mein Maa." Very soon, Dr. Muktesh
Chander’s is going to start dubbing flute instrumental which will be released
and available very soon on all the digital stores.
At this occasion, Mr. Raj Mahajan, Managing Director, Moxx
Music and of the composers of 'Teri Yaad Mein Maa' asserted that,"Music is the best way to
express our emotions and on Mother's Day it is Moxx Music's tribute to all the
loving mothers. Music is the most enchanting legacy of India's rich culture and
we are making all efforts to develop quality music. Now, most of our albums are
accessible in all the digital platforms."
The hero of the event, singer Arun Upadhyay expressed his
gratitude to Moxx Music, he said, "I am thankful to Raj-Ramesh Jodi that they have chosen
me for this soul stirring number". Arun Upaddhyay
has also lent his melodious voice to a track of the upcoming Bollywood movie
'DOGLA'. The
video promo was also screened at the launch event.
About ArunUpadhyay:
ArunUpadhyay is a famous Mumbai based
playback singer who is trained from Banaras. He has already sung numerous songs
for albums and movies and has lent his mellow voice for various songs for
Bollywood movies. He used to sing dummy songs of Bollywood as was known as a
famous dummy singer. Arun has been performing on stage for last 8 years. He
carries a charming personality on stage with a mesmerizing voice. Arun can
entertain the audience in Hindi, English, Punjabi, Haryanvi, Bhojpuri and
Bengali languages. He has won several awards for his talent. List of his
upcoming songs includes: New Age Hanuman Chalisa (Hindi) / Ham Jani Na / Avoid
Fast Food / TuDilnasheen / O Maa / WoRoneLage / AashiqueKaaJanaazaa and
KaiseLaageTere Bin.
Links for few of his hit songs:
Maula Ali
BajRahal Ba Seeti
HamreDil Mein Ayiha Ho
BhaujiKe Sang Holi
DoorieHai ye Kaisi
'Teri Yaad Mein Maa' song released by Muktesh Chander, Spl. Commissioner (Delhi Police) and Asha Singh (Deputy Mayor) at Moxx Music Studio
jkt/kkuh esa tkjh dh xbZ ,yce ^rsjh ;kn
esa ek¡*
enlZ Ms ds ekSds ij lHkh ekrkvksa ds izfr
I;kj dh vuwBh vfHkO;fDRk

eqDrs'k pUnj ¼fo'ks"k vk;qDr] ;krk;kr iqfyl] fnYyh½ tks laxhr ds t+cjnLr izseh gS] bl
lekjksg esa fgLlk ysus ls vius vki dks jksd ugha ik,] amUgksaus ckalqjh ij ,d
jkx ctkdj n'kZdksa dks ea=eqX/k dj fn;kA mUgksaus dgk] ^^rsjh ;kn esa ek¡ okLro esa fny dks Nw tkus okyk xhr gS vkSj dEikstlZ
jkt&jes'k us bls thoar cuk fn;k gSA eSa fiNys nks lkyksa ls v:.k mik/;k;
dks lqu jgk gw¡] os esjs ilanhnk mHkjrs dykdkjksa esa ls gSaA os izfrHkk'kkyh
xk;d gSa vkSj rsjh ;kn esa ek¡ dks mUgksaus viuh vkokt+ esa csgn [kwclwjr cuk
fn;k gSA**
bl ekSds ij ekWDl E;qft+d ds izcU/k
funs'kd ,oa ^rsjh ;kn esa ek¡ ds dEikst+j Jh jkt egktu us dgk] ^^laxhr
viuh Hkkouk dh vfHkO;fDr djus dk lcls vPNk rjhdk gS vkSj enlZ Ms ds ekSds ij ;g
eks{k E;qft+d dh vksj ls lHkh ekrkvksa izfr I;kj dh vfHkO;fDr dk vuwBk rjhdk
gSA laxhr Hkkjr dh le`) laLd`fr dk vfHkUu fgLlk gS vkSj ge ges'kk ls
xq.koRrkiw.kZ laxhr dh jpuk ds fy, iz;kljr gSaA gekjh vf/kdka'k ,ycEl lHkh
fMftVy IysVQkWElZ ij miyC/k gSaA**
bl ekSds ij xk;d v:.k mik/;k; us ekWDl
E;qft+d ds izfr vkHkkj O;Dr djrs gq, dgk] ^^eSa jkt&jes'k tksM+h ds izfr vkHkkjh
gw¡ ftUgksaus eq>s bl [kkl ,yce ds fy, pquk gSA** v:.k mik/;k; us vkxkeh ckWyhoqM fQYe
^nksxyk* esa Hkh viuh vkokt+ nh gSA blh avolj ij ohfM;ks&çkseks dh LØhfuax Hkh dh xbZA
v:.k mik/;k; ds ckjs esa%
mik/;k; eqEcbZ ds izfl) IyscSd xk;d gSa ftUgksaus cukjl ls izf'k{k.k izkIr fd;k
gSA os dbZ ,yceksa vkSj fQYeksa ds fy, xhr xk pqds gSa vkSj ckWyhoqM dh fQYeksa
ds dbZ xkuksa dks mUgksaus viuh vkokt+ nh gSA Meh xhr xkus ds dkj.k mUgsa
ckWyhoqM esa Meh xk;d ds :i esa tkuk tkrk gSA v:.k fiNys 8 lkyksa ls LVst ij
Hkh ijQksesZUl ns jgsa gSaA mudh [kwclwjr vkokt+ ds lkFk mudk O;fDrRo Hkh csgn
eueksgd gSA v:.k fganh] vaxzst+h] iatkc] gj;k.koh] Hkkstiqjh vkSj caxkyh
Hkk’kkvksa esa n'kZdksa dk euksjatu dj ldrs gSaA muds vkxkeh xhrksa esa 'kkfey
gSa & U;w ,t guqeku pkyhlk ¼fgUnh½@ge tkuh uk@ vokWbM QkLV QwM@ vks ek¡@oks jksus yxs@vkf'kdh dk tukt+k vkSj dSls ykxs rsjs fcuA
arun upadhyay,
asha singh,
ashwani rajput,
deputy mayor asha singh,
mother's day,
mothers day,
moxx music,
muktesh chander,
raj mahajan,
raj ramesh,
ramesh mishra,
teri yaad mein maa
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